Color introduction
1# Jet Black
1B# Off Black
2# Darkest Brown
3# Dark Brown
4# Medium Brown
5# Medium Light Brown
6# Light Brown
7# Very Light Brown
17# Dark Ash Blode
18# Meidium Blode
20# Light Aah Blode
1B10%# Off Black & 10% white
1B20%# Off Black & 20% White
1B30%# Off Black & 30% White
1B80%# Off Black & 80% White

Before and After
More than 60% men will suffer hair loss, Men Toupee keep you young

Care method:
a. Wash the hair in one week.
b. Water to wet hair,use a mild Shampoo, Rinse and leave to dry.
c. Comb with a wire brush after dry.
d. You can perming dyeing, but please remember do not do this too frequent,and remember to use the nutrition water.
e. The combs you`d better choose the round with wide-toothed comb.
f. Don't make the hair under the blazing sun for quite a long time. g. Don't blows the root of hairs too near with the hair drier.
h. Don't grasping the root of hair overexert when washing.